Tuesday, 22 October 2024

The Real Deal in Microblogging Now

The microblading of the eyebrows is a technique which consists in implanting pigments in the superficial part of the dermis using a fine needle. This helps to thicken and densify the eyebrows giving a “hair by hair” effect.

Microblading is an increasingly widespread practice following the trend of denser eyebrows in recent years and its semi-permanent duration between 1 and 8 years. The use of Microblading Supplies is also there.

Who is microblading for?

The procedure is not recommended for pregnant or lactating women as well as people with oily, mature or sensitive skin because it cannot provide an optimal result.

However, other methods exist such as permanent makeup. In order to know which method is the most suitable for you, do not hesitate to seek the advice of your specialist during the first visit. The first consultation is indeed very important for the successful completion of your project.

Precautions before surgery

If you’re worried about pain, don’t panic. Although experienced differently by everyone, pain after microblading is more like discomfort. To overcome this discomfort, an anesthetic cream will be prescribed.

To best prepare for the procedure, avoid any product that can irritate the skin around the eyebrows, such as wax or self-tanning spray about 2 weeks before.

Post intervention maintenance advice

In order to slow down the lightening process, it is imperative to apply sunscreen protection greater than or equal to 30 SPF as well as to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun for at least one month.

Also, avoid getting wet or scratching your eyebrows. Also take care during your sports activities because excessive sweating could make pigmentation disappear more quickly. Finally, proscribe retinol-based products on the eyebrows. These have an exfoliating effect that can erase the features and reduce the effectiveness of the work performed. With the Microblading Supplies you can have the smartest options.

Which specialist to consult?

In order to guarantee a result that meets your expectations, choose a certified dermopigmentologist specialist. Also, don’t forget to ask to consult his portfolio to get an idea of ​​the end result.

A first consultation is recommended in order to determine together the expected result and the most effective method to obtain it. Allow about 1h30 during the intervention for microblading. Finally plan to come back for a follow-up or adjustment consultation between 6 and 8 weeks after. 

Well-designed eyebrows truly offer a “lifted” effect to your eyes.

The break-in is so minimal that the pain is much less pronounced than with permanent makeup on the eyebrows, for example (even the softest of us can therefore try it). We do not damage the capillaries, we do not touch the bulbs and we have no problem with hair growth.

The life of pigments

Based on mineral pigments, microblading ensures a natural color that does not change. The result is lasting and above all undetectable.

Its lifespan is 8 to 12 months. After this time, the pigment gradually disappears if no maintenance is carried out. The first session, which lasts around 1 hour 30 minutes, must undergo a touch-up after a month because the line will quickly fade due to the healing process. In fact, 30 to 40% of the pigments will fade. The second session will fix the color for at least 1 year. This is essential to ensure the hold and the result of pigmentation.

Microblading makeup is a very satisfactory solution because it allows to completely redraw the eyebrows or in part.

⚠ The outfit depends on several factors: age, skin quality and the immune system.

Why do some people have orange, red or blue eyebrows?

Do you often observe people with orange or red eyebrows who have diffused?

This is not microblading but permanent makeup done by machine.

This change is due to the fact that the pigment is inserted within the dermis. The skin cannot therefore correctly remove the pigment since it is inserted deeply. There will therefore be color remains which will not be eliminated and which will tend to age badly.

In microblading, the pigment is only present on the surface of the epidermis. Consequently, the skin will be able to completely and easily eliminate the imprint of the trace and its color before it changes.

What is semi-permanent makeup?

It is a technique which consists in replacing the “make-up routines” which are not mastered or which become less and less so.

How long does a Microblading semi-permanent makeup session last?

The total duration of the treatment is 1h30 to 2h. The eyebrows are drawn with pencil and thread according to the proportions and particularities of your face. When the shape suits you, a color will be proposed to you according to your skin and will then be nuanced according to your tastes. When the project has received your full approval, microblading pigmentation can be performed. The microblading is carried out in two stages: • The realization of the eyebrow at the first visit. • Touch-ups 3 to 4 weeks later.

The choice of pigment (color) will be made in harmony with the color of natural hair and your skin.

Is semi-permanent makeup painful?

YES, it’s undeniable. But good news is bearable. You can use a local anesthetic 30 minutes before the appointment. /! \ can only be obtained with a prescription

⚠ In which cases is it impossible for me to use semi-permanent makeup? ⚠

All skin tones can receive a reconstruction of the eyebrow by microblading.

If you :

-Are minor

-Take anti ‐ inflammatories, or painkillers or anticoagulants,

Are subject to allergies of minerals and metals (iron oxide, titanium dioxide, chromium oxide, carmine), – suffer from autoimmune diseases, insulin-dependent diabetes, renal, hepatic and cardiac insufficiencies,

-Suffer from cardiological problems, from an immunocompromised illness (chemo and radiotherapy during treatment, AIDS, kidney transplant, etc.), active dermatology (vitiligo, psoriasis, eczema, etc.), hemophilia.

-If you are on Roacutane treatment (wait 3 months), you have temporary fillings of wrinkles (wait 3 months)