Tuesday, 22 October 2024

The Facts About Lab Grown Diamonds: Debunking The Myths

Lab grown diamonds are created in a controlled environment, whereas natural diamonds are mined from the earth. Because of this, lab grown diamonds are often considered to be “fake” or “synthetic”. But what are the facts about lab grown diamonds? Are they really any different than natural diamonds?

Let’s debunk the 5 most common myths circulating around labgrown diamonds!

Myth 2: Lab diamonds are not real diamonds.

This myth couldn’t be further from the truth! Lab grown diamonds and natural mined diamonds are chemically, physically, and optically identical. Both varieties of diamond are composed of pure carbon in a three-dimensional crystalline form.

To the naked eye, it is impossible to differentiate between a lab and natural diamond. In fact, the only way to tell them apart is with specialised equipment such as an infrared spectrometer or microscope, which have been designed specifically for this purpose.

Lab grown diamonds are just as valuable, rare, and beautiful as their mined counterparts; the only difference is that they were created in a lab rather than in the earth. The process of creating diamonds in a lab involves replicating the natural diamond formation process with minute adjustments in temperature, pressure and time. As a result, lab grown diamonds are much more affordable than their mined counterparts because they can be created faster and on an industrial scale.

Like mined diamonds, labgrown diamonds have been certified as real and authentic diamonds by leading gemological laboratories. In order to be certified, lab grown diamonds must pass a series of tests that assess the stone’s cut, clarity, colour and carat weight, just like natural mined diamonds.

Myth 3: Lab grown diamonds are of low quality.

This is perhaps the most pervasive myth about labgrown diamonds. The truth is that the quality of labgrown diamonds is just as high as those mined from the earth, and sometimes even higher. Diamonds grown in a lab are graded on the same 4C’s scale as natural diamonds—Cut, Color, Clarity and Carat.

Furthermore, the process used to create a labgrown diamond allows for more control over the size and colour of the final product than can be achieved through mining alone. Ultimately, this means that lab-grown diamonds can offer higher quality for a lower price than traditional mined diamonds.

Therefore, regardless of where they come from, the quality of diamonds is determined by the grading standard and not necessarily the source. Consumers can rest assured that lab-grown diamonds are of equal or higher quality than their mined counterparts.

Myth 4: Lab grown diamonds are not sustainable.

The notion that lab grown diamonds are not sustainable is false. In fact, they can actually be more eco-friendly than their mined counterparts. Since lab grown diamonds are not mined, they do not require the use of heavy machinery and hazardous chemicals used in mining operations. This makes them a much more sustainable option than traditional diamonds.

In addition to being easier on the environment, lab grown diamonds also have a significantly smaller carbon footprint compared to natural mined diamonds because they require far less energy to produce. This means that lab grown diamonds are a much greener choice and can help reduce your environmental impact.

Ultimately, whether you choose a lab grown diamond or a natural mined diamond is up to you. But if sustainability is an important factor for you, then consider choosing a labgrown diamond which has been certified as sustainable. You can be sure that you are making a more eco-friendly choice while still enjoying the same beauty and value as naturally mined diamonds.

Myth 5: Lab grown diamonds have a low resale value.

Contrary to popular myth, lab-grown diamonds hold their value very well. In fact, since the same technology is used to create both lab-created and natural diamonds, the resale market for both types of diamond is virtually identical.

This means that when you purchase a lab-created diamond, you can be sure that you will get the same return on your investment as if you had purchased a natural diamond. Therefore, it is safe to say that lab-grown diamonds do have an excellent resale value. Furthermore, since these diamonds are more affordable than natural diamonds, their affordability also adds to their resale value.

In addition, since lab-created diamonds are not subject to the same supply and demand restrictions as natural diamonds, their resale values tend to remain stable regardless of market fluctuations. This means that you can be sure your investment will last for years to come.

Overall, lab-grown diamonds offer excellent value for money and can be an excellent long-term investment if you choose to resell them. With the right care and maintenance, your lab-created diamond can retain its value for years to come. Thus, when it comes to resale value, there is no need to worry about getting a bad deal with a lab-grown diamond.

To ensure that your lab-grown diamond maintains its value, it is best to buy from a trusted seller who offers a certified warranty. This will give you peace of mind knowing that if you ever do decide to resell your lab-created diamond, you can be sure you are getting the right price for it.

Myth 5: Lab grown diamonds are not as durable as natural diamonds.

This is one of the most widely spread misconception about labgrown diamonds and it simply isn’t true. At the atomic level, a diamond is a diamond regardless of its origin. To prove this point, consider that lab-created diamonds are often used for industrial purposes, where their exceptional hardness and durability are valued.

In terms of physical properties, lab-grown diamonds have the exact same characteristics as natural diamonds. This includes hardness; both types of diamond measure 10 on the Mohs scale – making them one of the hardest substances on earth. Moreover, they also have similar thermal conductivity, electrical resistance, and light refraction properties.

When it comes to durability and longevity, lab-grown diamonds are no less durable than their natural counterparts. As such, they make a great choice for those looking for an investment piece of jewellery that will last for decades or even centuries!


By understanding the facts about lab-grown diamonds, we can put to rest these myths and misconceptions about this modern technology. Lab-grown diamonds offer many advantages, from cost savings to increased access, and can make an excellent choice for jewellery shoppers looking for a beautiful, ethical alternative to mined diamonds.

Lab-grown diamonds are here to stay, and they are rapidly changing the diamond industry as we know it. With the facts about lab-grown diamonds now clear, jewellery shoppers can make more informed decisions about the diamonds they buy.