Tuesday, 22 October 2024

 The Benefits Of Playing Board Games As A Child 

You most likely enjoyed playing with board games when you were a child living in New Zealand, and many people today are happy that they’re making a comeback. If you want to get your children into playing board games more often, there are many benefits that they’ll enjoy while they have fun.

They Promote “Unplugging”

Technology is everywhere in the average home, and as much as it promotes learning and integration with technological systems, it can also be a big distraction. Your children are a small step away from ignoring their educational games on their iPad, and spending hours watching mindless YouTube videos. If you have older children in their teen years, they’ll be glued to social networking platforms, causing them to be anti-social and unmotivated.

An excellent way to promote the habit of unplugging from technology is to play board games. Most board games don’t need technology to play with or enjoy. If you want to find a healthy balance between having digital and real-life connections, bring out your board game collection. You’ll have fun playing your favourites, without the distraction of mobile games, Facebook notifications or work emails.

They Improve Early Learning 

There are many board games in NZ available that give younger children more opportunity to learn. They can learn shapes, colours, space and even develop hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. Your children will learn how to identify shapes, colours and images, and how to be more dexterous as they move pieces or cards around the board.

They Exercise The Mind 

Older kids don’t need to learn how to match shapes, nor do they need to practice holding small pieces. However, board games have educational benefits for your older children as well. By playing games like Cluedo, cards and Sequence, your kids’ frontal lobes start working! They learn strategy, logic, planning, organising, problem-solving and decision–making.

Board Games Boost Language Skills 

School-going kids sometimes struggle with their reading skills – especially when it comes to challenging themselves with unfamiliar words. However, if they’re reluctant to open a book, play a board game! You could use Scrabble or Boggle to improve their spelling skills.  Alternatively, you could play games with cards – like Monopoly or trivia – to get them more comfortable with reading and comprehension.

They Can Help Build Relationships

How often do you send your kids on a “time out”? For many parents, rough patches with their children’s behaviour occur at least once a week. However, if you’re struggling to communicate effectively or build relationships with your children and their siblings, board games can be a good buffer. With board games, you can work in teams, improving communication, team-work and social skills. And if tensions have been getting strained in your home, there’s nothing like having fun together to smooth troubled waters.

They Improve Attention Spans 

If you play board games with your children without interruptions, you increase their attention span. Some children struggle to focus on one thing for too long before they get bored or distracted by something else. However, board games have been found to improve attention spans in children because there’s a commitment to playing the game until the end. This is especially effective in households that have a lot of digital distractions, so while you’re playing, don’t check your phone, and leave the cricket score as a mystery until later.

They Help Soothe Anxiety 

Many children suffer from mild to severe cases of anxiety, which affects their ability to make and navigate friendships. But board games are tangible and structured, making them a better focal point for children who are nervous about having a friend over for the first time. When playing a board game they’re both familiar with, they both know what’s expected of them, making it easier to build interpersonal relationships with others.

They Learn How To Work As A Team 

Teamwork doesn’t just feature in the classroom. Even adults need to know how to work well with others, at their day job, in university, and even at home. When your kids are growing up, they have to learn how to work as a team with their peers, which can be done by playing board games. They’ll learn how to communicate, and how to do what’s best for the collective, instead of themselves alone.

Other than having fun together as a family, or giving your kids and their friends something to do when the New Zealand weather turns, board games have many benefits that your children will carry with them through life. Learning strategy, logic, good communication and social skills are essential, so bring out the board games at every opportunity.